Ms. Zhou Jie, membership of backbone of trademark business of Eastking, has rich experience in trademark registration involving foreign interest. Based on the deep theoretical foundations, good professional ethics and adept case-solving ability, Ms Zhou fully understands the clients’ needs and provides them with a full range of high quality intellectual property services, and acts as an agent in many classic successful cases.
Practice Area Trademark registration, opposition, response to OA, dispute, litigation; Madrid International Registration; Trademark application for single foreign country registration; Trademark application for EU registration; Trademark application for OAPI registration;
Work Experience 2011-Now Beijing Eastking IP Agent Co. Ltd Agent of Foreign Trademarks 2010-2011 A Newspaper Office Office Clerk
Educational Background 2007-2010 Renmin University of China Law LLM
Professional Affiliation Membership of China Intellectual Property Society (CIPS) Membership of China Trademark Association (CTA) Membership of All China Patent Attorney Association
Working Languages Chinese; English