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Position: Beijing Eastking IP Agent Co. Ltd. > Practice > Corporation > Text Back Home


Eastking provides a wide range of services on behalf of private and public corporations in China and overseas. They represent individuals and business entities in contract negotiations, corporate formation and reorganizations, international business transactions, trust and estate matters, partnership matters, consulting and employment relationships, real estate transactions, and a variety of other commercial and corporate matters.

Our corporate practice includes corporate structuring and transactions; mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations; partnership structuring and restructuring, etc. In addition, we provide legal opinions on provisions of Chinese Corporation Law and the legality and consequences of corporate transactions under that law. We provide a wide variety of services to our business clients from assisting them in selecting the type of organizational entity under which to operate, preparation of agreements, sale and purchase of businesses, preparation of articles of organization, organizational agreements, minutes and corporate legal advice, funding for business operations, employee relations, dissolution, and termination.

We counsel clients, provide opinions, negotiate transactions and litigate issues with respect to matters of corporate law and the fiduciary duties of corporate directors. Our corporate clients include national and international corporations as well as local and regional corporations.?

Our corporate Attorneys also assist clients incorporated in other jurisdictions, and act as special counsel on such matters to advise on interpretive or policy issues of corporation law.

In addition, Unitalen has an active business law practice and is engaged in business litigation emphasizing business tort and contract claims and other emerging areas of business litigation.